Emmanuel Udoh, The Data Engineer
with background in software development.

use strong business acumen, as well as an ability to communicate findings, and mine vast amounts of data for useful insights.
Use these insights to influence how an organization approaches business challenges.
Use combined knowledge of computer science and applications, modeling, statistics, analytics and maths to solve problems Extract data from multiple sources.
Sift and analyze data from multiple angles, looking for trends that highlight problems or opportunities.
Communicate important information and insights to business and IT leaders.
Make recommendations to adapt existing business strategies.

Skills Possessed

Problem-solving skills
Communication skills
Teamwork skills
Investigative skills
Interest in statistics
Interest in predicting trends and identifying patterns
Innovative thinking
Observation skills
Critical thinking


Housing unit

Data Cleaning in SQL

In this project, raw housing data was taken and then transformed in SQL Server to make it more usable for analysis.

Covid-19 image

Data Exploration In SQL

Using SQL, this project was more about exploring the data set of covid19 affecting various regions of the world in SQL server.

Movie Data Correlation with Python

python was used to analyze movie data set using numpy, pandas, in jupyter notebook. In this the analysis was based on the rate at which the movie was seen, the highest revenue made from each movie, and the date for the movie release.

A Faculty Data Analysis

The data captured was from the first year students of Akwa-Ibom State University, Faculty of Arts, which have five departments. This data was captured primarily from the current students in the faculty.

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